Every year, at least 5.9 million donkeys are slaughtered in horrifying conditions. This is due to the boom in demand for ejiao, a donkey-derived collagen product used in traditional Chinese medicine.
The donkey skin trade is a complex, urgent and neglected animal welfare issue, interconnected with other challenges, such as biosecurity, social justice and illegal wildlife trade.
However, there are potential solutions in cellular agriculture, and in fostering a culture where we reappreciate donkeys and other working animals who have carried our burdens for millennia.
The donkey skin trade is a complex, urgent and neglected animal welfare issue, interconnected with other challenges, such as biosecurity, social justice and illegal wildlife trade.
However, there are potential solutions in cellular agriculture, and in fostering a culture where we reappreciate donkeys and other working animals who have carried our burdens for millennia.
● Negative impact on poor communities, esp. women
● Donkey Skin trade linked to illegal wildlife trade and other criminal activities
A cost-effective way to raise awareness of a neglected and interconnected animal welfare and biorisk challenge.
● Cellular agriculture companies
● National and international policymakers and politicians governing animal products and working animals
● Ejiao producers and consumers in China

for Further info on the donkey skin trade
visit: The Donkey Sanctuary
more info on the documentary coming soon
visit: The Donkey Sanctuary
more info on the documentary coming soon